Prayer Burdens, Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Coronavirus Pray for the limiting of the spread and finding of a cure. Also pray for the saints in China and for the gospel to run....
Coronavirus Pray for the limiting of the spread and finding of a cure. Also pray for the saints in China and for the gospel to run....
Upcoming Events & Important Information Northern California Sisters’ Conference with Minoru Chen (2/22 from 10 AM - 1PM, location TBD)...
Coronavirus Pray for the limiting of the spread and finding of a cure. Also pray for the saints in China and for the gospel to run....
Upcoming Events & Important Information Northern California Sisters’ Conference with Minoru Chen (2/22 from 10 AM - 1PM, location TBD)...
Campus Work: UC Berkeley: Pray for all the Bible studies starting this week. Pray for the Lord to gain 15 salvations and 8 baptisms this...
Upcoming Events Northern California Sisters’ Conference with Minoru Chen (2/22 from 10 AM - 1PM, location TBD) HWMR Knowing and...
New Semester - UC Berkeley Thank the Lord for His blessing on the winter retreat! May this semester be filled with Prayer, Spirit and the...
Upcoming Events Northern California Sisters Conference with Minoru Chen (2/22) HWMR Knowing and Experiencing the All-Inclusive, Extensive...
Winter Retreat Pray for the blending of the three-fold cord in mutuality. We will be reading the book of Acts together. Pray for the...
HWMR Knowing and Experiencing the All-Inclusive, Extensive Christ Week 1 Prayer Meeting Main hall district - in the homes Library...
Winter Retreat (1/17-19) Pray for the Lord to cover weather and all other practical matters. Health of the Co-Workers May the Lord...
HWMR Life-Study of Matthew HWMR, Week 10 Prayer Meeting Main hall district - in the meeting hall Library district - in the meeting hall...
Upcoming Events & Important Information 2019 December Semiannual Video Training The schedule of the video training messages is as...
Upcoming Events & Important Information 2019 December Semiannual Video Training The schedule of the video training messages is as...
December Training (12/23-12/28, Anaheim, CA ) Pray for the Lord to release His up-to-date speaking to meet the needs of the churches and...
Upcoming Events & Important Information Thanksgiving Conference Webcast There will be a webcast of the messages in the church in Berkeley...
Upcoming Events & Important Information Thanksgiving Conference Webcast There will be a webcast of the messages in the church in Berkeley...
Thanksgiving Conference (11/28-12/1, Houston, TX ) May all the saints be brought into this fellowship to know and experience the...
Upcoming Events & Important Information Thanksgiving Conference Webcast There will be a webcast of the messages in the church in Berkeley...
Thanksgiving Conference (11/28-12/1, Houston, TX ) Pray for the Lord's speaking for the building up of His Body. Pray for all the...