Announcements for March 19th to March 25th
Previously Announced: Resume NorCal-wide Life-Study reading We have resumed our Life-Study reading by getting into the Life-Study of 1 &...
Previously Announced: Resume NorCal-wide Life-Study reading We have resumed our Life-Study reading by getting into the Life-Study of 1 &...
New or Revised for This Week Working Saints Fellowship in Fremont Saturday, 3/18/23 at 10:00 a.m. The next session of the working saints...
New or Revised for This Week Gospel meeting March 5th, 11:30 a.m. This week there is a gospel meeting on March 5th in place of the...
New or Revised for This Week Corporate Lord's Table starting at 9:45 a.m. 2/26/23 All languages in the Church in Berkeley will gather for...
New or Revised for This Week Prayer Meeting and Message 5 from ICSC Following an abbreviated prayer meeting, we will be watching message...
New or Revised for This Week 2023 International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference This coming weekend will be the 2023 International...
New or Revised for This Week Lord's Table meetings The Chinese-speaking saints will meet in the Fireplace room at 10:00 a.m. The...
New or Revised for This Week NorCal Working Saints Perfecting Fellowship This Saturday, February 4th's fellowship with brother Minoru has...
New or Revised for This Week Lord's Table meeting starts at 9:45 am The English-speaking Lord's Table and Prophesying meetings will begin...
New or Revised for This Week Holy Word for Morning Revival This week we are beginning a new HWMR: Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as...
New or Revised for This Week Holy Word for Morning Revival This week we will be in week 6 of Loving the Lord and Loving One Another for...
New or Revised for This Week NorCal Working Saints Perfecting Fellowship The upcoming NorCal Working Saints perfecting Fellowship with...
New or Revised for This Week Lord's Table meeting beginning at 10:00am The English-speaking Lord's Table and Prophesying meetings will...
New or Revised for This Week Lord's Table meeting beginning at 10:00 am Starting December 18th the English-speaking Lord's Table and...
New or Revised for This Week Holy Word for Morning Revival Next week we will be going on to the HWMR from this Fall's ITERO: Loving the...
Previously Announced: Conference with Ron Kangas, Dec. 2-4, 2022 This weekend brother Ron is giving an enjoyable word to the churches in...
New or Revised for This Week Prayer Meeting This week the prayer meeting will be corporate at the hall from 7:30 PM to 8:00 PM, and then...
New or Revised for This Week Thanksgiving Day Conference The churches in Northern California will watch the videos of the Thanksgiving...
Previously Announced The Holy Word for Morning Revival — Crystallization-Study of 1 & 2 Kings Vol. 2 This week we continue getting into...
Community among the Saints - Pray that every member in the church life would be related in 2s and 3s to other believers for bearing...