Upcoming Events
Memorial Day Conference (5/24-27 at Seattle, WA) Hotel information is at gc.synxis.com/rez.aspx?Hotel=76786&Chain=21650&group=0714633&arrive=05/24/2019.
July Semiannual Training (7/1-6 at Anaheim, CA) Registration with online payment for the training is now open at www.churchinberkeley.org/conferences.
2019 North America College Training (7/14-20 at Champaign, IL) Registration for the North America College Training is now open at www.collegetraining.org. Early registration will end on April 15th.
Crystallization Study of Numbers, Volume 2, Week 8
Prayer Meeting
Main hall district - in the homes
Library district - in the homes
Chinese-speaking saints
Life-Study Reading
Life-Study of Revelation, Msgs 29 and 30
“Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make an abode with him.” -- John 14:23