New or Revised for This Week
December Semiannual Training (12/22-1/2) Registration is now closed, but a schedule of the meetings can still be found at the following link:
Previously Announced
Saturday Corporate Migration Prayer The Saturday morning migration prayer and fellowship is postponed for the remainder of this month (no corporate prayer this Saturday through the end of the year). The saints should continue their personal and local group prayer for migration. An announcement will be made when this corporate prayer and fellowship time resumes sometime in January.
The Holy Word for Morning Revival -- The Christian Life, the Church Life, the Consummation of the Age, and the Coming of the Lord To purchase a physical copy, please contact Sampson Chan or Matthew Muh. To purchase a digital copy, please visit one of the following websites: Apple Books Amazon Kindle Google Play Store
The Christian Life, the Church Life, the Consummation of the Age, and the Coming of the Lord, Week 5
Prayer Meeting
7:30 PM - Prayer in clusters
Life-Study Reading
Life-Study of Ephesians, Messages 59 & 60
“But we are not of those who shrink back to ruin but of them who have faith to the gaining of the soul." -- Hebrews 10:39