New or Revised for This Week
Lord's Table meeting beginning at 10:00am
The English-speaking Lord's Table and Prophesying meetings will begin at 10:00 am in the Fireplace Room, until further updates in mid/late January.
Holy Word for Morning Revival
We have started a new HWMR: Loving the Lord and Loving One Another for the Organic Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ.
To purchase a physical copy, please contact Sampson Chan or Matthew Muh.
To purchase a digital copy, please visit one of the following websites: Apple Books Amazon Kindle Google Play Store
Winter Training open meetings
Participation in the semi-annual trainings is by registration only, however this training messages 3 and 10 are open to all saints who are interested at 7:30pm on Tuesdays, December 27th and January 3rd. Here are the links to the online meetings:
English open meeting link:
Meeting ID: 836 2429 9990
Pass code: 774990
Chinese open meeting link:
Meeting ID: 930 119 172
Pass code 1201
Previously Announced:
Registration for the December 2022 Semiannual Training.
Video Training in Berkeley Dec. 26-Jan.7 Registration fee: $155
LSM Donations There is now a website where saints can make online donations to Living Stream Ministry: This website may be used to make one-time donations, designated offerings, and fixed recurring donations. (It cannot be used to make payments for goods or services.)
Loving the Lord and Loving One Another for the Organic Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ. Week 2
Prayer Meeting
7:00pm to 7:25pm - corporate online
Meeting ID: 895 747 806
Passcode: prayer
Life-Study Reading
Life-Study of Philippians, Messages 47 & 48
“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine."-- S.S. 1:2