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Announcements for May 28th to June 3rd

Writer: Church in BerkeleyChurch in Berkeley

New or Revised for This Week

  • Memorial Day Conference video messages To facilitate blending, the churches in Northern California will conduct a NorCal-wide Memorial Day Conference via Zoom. The messages will be streamed, according to the schedule below, in English, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, and Russian. After each message, there will be a time for prophesying in breakout rooms.

Message 3: 9:45 AM* Lord's Day, May 28

Message 4: 7:30 PM Lord’s Day, May 28

Message 5: 10:00 AM Monday, May 29

Message 6: 7:30 PM Monday, May 29

  • *Lord's Day, the Church in Berkeley will have the Lord's Table meeting in the Main Hall at 9:45 AM, then watch Message 3 together.

  • For all other messages, we encourage the saints in Berkeley to group together to watch via the link at 2023 Memorial Day Conference – Northern California Churches (

  • The messages will begin promptly. Saints should join the meetings 10 minutes early (i.e. 9:50 AM and 7:20 PM) to allow time for prayer, singing, and instructions.

  • Outlines for the messages will be available at (starting May 19th) and also at the NorCal conference webpage.

  • Lord's Day, May 28th the Lord's Table meeting will start at 9:45 a.m., see above.

Previously Announced

  • The Holy Word for Morning Revival We are continuing with volume 2 of the HWMR: Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther Vol. 2 To purchase a physical copy, please contact Sampson Chan or Matthew Muh. To purchase a digital copy, please visit the following links: Apple Books Amazon Kindle Google Play

  • July 2023 Semiannual Training

    • The live training in Anaheim will be Monday, July 3rd to Saturday, July 8th,

    • The video training dates will be Tuesday, July 4th to Saturday, July 15th

    • Registration deadline to attend the live training is past but you can still register for the video training.

    • The registration website for the Church in Berkeley can be found here

  • LSM Donations There is now a website where saints can donate to Living Stream Ministry: This website may be used to make one-time donations, designated offerings, and fixed recurring donations. (It cannot be used to make payments for goods or services.)



Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, Vol. 01 - Week 8

Prayer Meeting Tuesday night

7:30 pm by prayer cluster.

Life-Study Reading

The Life-Study of Titus - Messages 5 & 6


"Those who built the wall and those who carried burdens took the loads with one hand doing the work and with the other holding a weapon."-- Neh 4:17

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