Pray for the limiting of the spread and finding of a cure. Also pray for the saints in China and for the gospel to run.
NorCal College Conference (2/28-3/1)
Pray many will register and go to the conference! Late registration due date is 2/23.
FTTA Spring Term 2020
Pray for the new term of the FTTA for all the trainees to receive the training that they need this term. We have three Berkeley-related trainees staring this term.
GTCA Prayer Burdens
Giving ourselves to be the Lord’s watchmen
Interceding for this country, both its people and its leaders
Honoring the Lord of the harvest by beseeching Him to thrust out laborers into the ripened harvest of middle America.
For more information see
California Christian Conference Center
We thank the Lord for His continued blessing and provisions in the purchase and financing of the properties for the Northern California Christian Conference Center (NCCCC). We have reached a critical juncture where urgent and steadfast prayers are needed from the churches and all the saints for the smooth approval of our Conditional Use Permit application with the City of Fremont planning commission. On February 27, there will be a hearing with the planning commission. We request that strong prayers in one accord be made by the churches in prayer meetings and by the saints in personal and companion intercessions in these coming two weeks, particularly concerning the following matters:
Pray that we will find favor with the neighbors and the neighbors will have no questions or opposition to the application.
Pray that the city staff will recommend this use application with minimal conditions, and that no unreasonable requirements will be made.
Pray the planning commissioners will approve our project on February 27 unanimously.