Pray for the limiting of the spread and finding of a cure. Pray for the saints all over the world to be covered and God's divine economy to advance in the midst of satanic chaos. Pray for all the gatherings of the saints affected and to minimize disruption of daily life in the USA and around the world.
Pray for the upcoming training for elders and responsible ones. Due to the concern about a large gathering of older brothers in this way, the decision was made to live-stream the messages instead of gathering together in person. Pray for the Lord's blessing upon all the attendees and in the preparing and delivery of the speaking.
Fellowship Night (3/11)
Pray many students will come and enjoy the word of God!
GTCA Prayer Burdens
Giving ourselves to be the Lord’s watchmen
Interceding for this country, both its people and its leaders
Honoring the Lord of the harvest by beseeching Him to thrust out laborers into the ripened harvest of middle America.
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