We would like to sound the call to all the saints in Northern California to sanctify the next two weeks—from Tuesday, March 24, through Monday, April 6, 2020—as a special time of prayer in response to the unprecedented changes in the world situation due to the coronavirus pandemic.
This past Lord's Day (March 22), Brother Minoru gave an hour-long fellowship by video conference to a group of 250+ brothers in Northern California, in which he shared a very heavy burden for all the churches—not only in Northern California but throughout the Lord's recovery—to rise up to pray. As he stressed to the brothers, the primary function of the church is to pray for God's will in the heavens to be carried out on the earth; furthermore, all the blessings that we have received as believers are for the church to fulfill her function of prayer. In light of the seriousness of the current situation, our brother and all of us are strongly burdened that the church should fulfill her prayer ministry to match Christ's intercession in His heavenly ministry, so that God's will can be done on earth at this critical time.
As such, we strongly encourage the saints to do the following:
Sign Up—Sign up at http://tiny.cc/norcal-prayer-signup to schedule your daily and weekly prayer times for the next two weeks:
Personal Prayer—Schedule a fixed time to pray personally to the Lord for 15 minutes or more each day
Prayer with Companions—Schedule weekly times to pray with companions for 15 minutes or more each time
Prayer Items—Use the list of prayer items given by Brother Minoru:
Our brother listed seven categories of prayer items that we can pray for, one for each day of the week, as a practical help to our prayer exercise in these two weeks
The list of prayer items (by language) can be accessed using the following links:
20200324 NorCal Prayer (Spanish) (will be uploaded to http://norcalchurches.org/norcal-prayer/)
20200324 NorCal Prayer (Korean) (will be uploaded to http://norcalchurches.org/norcal-prayer/)
For further updates, please go to the http://norcalchurches.org/norcal-prayer/ website.
Please do your best to fellowship the burden for this special time of prayer with the saints that you know, especially those who may not be on this NorCal email list.
May the Lord richly elevate the church's prayer ministry and function at this critical time for His universal administration. Amen.
ITERO (March 27-29, 2020)
This weekend, hundreds of brothers from around the earth will be participating in a streamed training for responsible ones and elders. Pray for the Lord to bless this time richly with His up-to-date speaking, as well as to pour out His burden for His Recovery during this crucial time on earth.
UC Berkeley Incoming Class
Admission decisions for the incoming UC Berkeley class were anticipated to come out this Thursday, March 26. Pray for a good class of freshmen from the churches who would have a heart to pursue the Lord in their college years and for people to be saved and come into the church life! Pray that many seekers and unbelievers would be open and hungry for the Lord and for the church.